Well firstly, let me extend to you a very warm welcome to Ascending Angels!
We hope you’ll be very happy in our family guild. We are a happy, helpful, generous bunch and I’m sure we’ll do our best to make you feel part of the guild. In fact you will be contacted by one of our officers as part of our New Member Induction after which you will be promoted to Member.
Just Returned?
“Its like taking a walk down memory lane and finding out they built New York on top of it!”
Our guild has a preference for veteran and returned players. While these players do not form 100% of our membership a good many of us have returned to the game, sometimes after many years.
This means we understand just how overwhelming it can be. You’ll no doubt have lots of questions – which well be happy to answer or at least help you find the answer to. Don’t be shy, if you need help – ask for it! You’ll soon get into the swing of things again.
This article is intended to help you get started with a few recommendations as to how you can make the most of your membership and we advise all guild members to read it:
Guild Bank
Please take a look and see if there is anything in the Guild Bank that you need. Its yours if you need it or can use it. The guild bank runs on good will and trust. All the items in our guild bank are generously deposited by members for the benefit of all. We operate a request system. If you need something from guild bank or guild store one of the officers will withdraw it for you if we have it. We ask however that if you request items from the guild bank that you take only what you need and try to give back with donations if and when you can. Gear and weapons remain in the guild bank. Items requested will be given out on request on a first come first serve basis provided they are usuable for your class and level. Spells and tradeskills items, ornamentations, potions, poisons, stat foods, collectibles etc. are moved to various store houses to keep the guild bank running freely.
Guild Tribute
Guild Tribute is a benefits system available to all members of the guild that works in the same way as personal tribute. There are Guild Tribute Masters in both the New and Old Guildhalls. (Personal Tribute Masters can be found in the New Guild Hall and your city of origin).
Right click on the NPC and you will see in the window a check box that allows you to opt in or out of guild tribute. Each benefit “charges” tribute points while you are opted in. These tribute points are earned by trading items for points using this same window. As with the bank, Guild Tribute benefits are available to you as a result of the generosity of your fellow guildies. If and when you can please try to make regular item donations!
Guild Halls & Ascending Angels Village
Yes we have two guild halls now! To make things simple we are currently referring to them as GGH (Grand Guild Hall) and OGH (Old Guild Hall).
Both guildhalls provide access to guild tribute, guild and personal bankers, trade skill facilities, a healing / mana regeneration pool, guild portal and portal stones merchant and augment setting pool and aug distiller merchant. Additionally The new guild hall is customisable and gives access to the parcel delivery service and personal tribute master, training dummies (they hit back and can kill you and no you can’t skill up on them using melee all though you can skill up spell casting!) and Guild Trophy placement.
Having two guildhalls means each portal can be directed to a different location, so its worth checking in guildchat which one is targeted where…you might save yourself a little plat! The OGH is likely to be just as you remember and is accessed via the guild lobby doors to guild hall on east side. It has one way in, same way out! The GGH is accessible via west side guild hall doors from guild lobby. It can also be accessed from Ascending Angels Guild Village.
If you have only recently returned to the game the village might be new to you. Basically you can get a plot and a property and myriad of items to decorate it with. Essentially it provides additional inventory/storage space. Many put a lot of creativity into decorating their homes. It also allows you to display your trophies. Once placed your trophies benefits can be activated via your tribute window.
Their are a number of exit points from the GGH. The main entrance doors are the zone in/out of Ascending Angels Village. In both the entrance lobby and the portal room you will find two small wooden doors. one is the Shabby Wooden Door which will take you to the Guild Lobby. The other is The Bulwark of Many Portals which will take you to your bind point. Right click on them to use.
The GGH is a good deal larger and can take a little getting used to. I thoroughly recommend you download the GGH map.
Ascending Angels Website & Forum
Its a great idea to register as a user with the site and forum and face book page as soon as you can. Here you can read all the latest guild news and most importantly post your own contributions! Any guild members can post their own comments etc. as it grows into a rich and varied resource for the guild and by the guild! (Forum users will need to validate by email.)
Team Speak Server
The guild's Team Speak 3 server allows those of you who prefer to use a headset and mic rather than type to chat with your fellow guildies. There is a lounge for general chat or you can take your group into a private chatroom. Grouped with non guildies? not an issue….invite them as guests! (You will however have to be responsible for them while they use the server). You can set it up with push to talk or on/off depending on your personal preference. It also has an overlay that shows who is on and speaking or muted. We ask that when you register with the Team Speak server you use the name of your main guild toon so that other users will recognise you!
This is a great resource and is used regularly by guildies, however it is by no means compulsory to use this facility. If you don’t like to chat and prefer to type or if you prefer another client such as Ventrilo…not a problem. If you do wish to participate …We look forward to chatting with you soon.
Magelo Upload
Magelo is something I would ask everyone to use for the benefit of the guild. This third party software is available with both a standard (free) service and Premium (paid for) service. It allows you to appear on our guild roster (accessible from this website). It also allows us to see what your equipment is and what upgrades you might need. It advertises our numbers and guild make up to potential guildies who may be searching for new home and additionally shows our rankings with other guilds on the Luclin Stromm server. Its a useful facility and I hope you'll make good use of it as the greater the number of guildies using it, the more useful it will be!. For those of you who remember Magelo back in the day it was neat then and its much better now) In addition the Magelo tool bar at the bottom of the screen on this site offers access to their database which is extensive, for items, spells, recipes and much more.
Face Book Page
We realise not everyone uses FB, but if you do its a nice way to keep in touch and there is some fun stuff on there! If you prefer to remain anonymous…why not create an account for your toon! The more guildies using our FB page, the better it will be!
Guild Notes
Info we like to put on your notes which can be seen on the in game Guild Management Window (see Notes tab) include the date you joined us and if you have mastered and tradeskills and if you have an officer role within the guild. We also have made it so that all members can update their notes. We use the public notes as a guild noticeboard, If you have a task / quest to complete, are searching for an item or camping a drop and you could do with a hand or a group put it on the board!
Need a particular tradeskill item? Perhaps your desperate for a particular piece of armour or a weapon or want a group to help you an an obscure quest…..whatever it is you need let us know. Think of this as your your letter to Santa Clugg or your very own swap shop (want to trade a Gnomish Heat Source for Trillion cut setting tool?) Maybe you have some treasure you think someone else could use. Post on the notes!
Armour & Progression
In need of Defiant gear appropriate to your level? Need armour drops or looking for someone to craft ogre armour? we will do our best to help, advise and obtain where possible. We are also working towards having a cultural armourer (smithing and tailoring) for each race. This is to ensure we can maximise your end game potential and in so doing strengthen our guild. It also means you wont have to pay extortionate prices for equivalent items in the Bazaar! Need progression missions for flagging so you can get? We can request all missions and will try to help you progress. All you have to do is let us know what you need. Communication is the key!
If you need help with your epics – farming a drop, killing a mob, learning a trade skill or getting an orb you’ll find theres always someone willing to help. We have many guildies who are experts in various trades and happy to share their knowledge and we are also a dab hand at the anguish run. When you need your 2.0 epic orbs tell us and well put you on the list!
A Note Of Caution : Expectations!
We are a helpful guild. It is our pleasure to facilitate groups, help you access items, achieve progression and reach your goals. But we are a growing guild and there may be a waiting list for some types of help or a specific planned time for an event to run.
We have had guildies who have had high expectations and as a result have felt disappointed. In some cases it was the way they went about asking for groups or help from the guild that often made guild members feel less inclined to help them. Ultimately your progression in the game is always your responsibility first and foremost and not that of the guild and most people will need to seek groups outside the guild now and then. No-one owes anyone else anything and all that the guild membership does for one another is voluntary.
Likewise constructive criticism is acceptable and we value feedback from our members and we genuinely want to know if you feel dissatisfied in someway. But there are limits…spend all your time in guild chat complaining about how we do things and how things should be run…then don’t be amazed if we politely suggest you find a guild that better suits your needs or start your own and run it the way you see fit!
Make friends and be appreciative for the help, friendship and advice you receive and I can guarantee that our members will be only too pleased to help in any way possible. We try to encourage and adopt a pay it forward mentality…one of the main reasons we prefer veteran and returnee players for whom that attitude seems more common, but don't antagonise your fellow members or display an exaggerated sense of entitlement or you may find this isn’t the guild for you!
Not Allowed!
As a guild we don't have a great many rules. But there are some things worth mentioning. We don’t censor guild chat. Guild chat can get adult on occasion and that's ok as is a frank exchange of differing opinions. This is why we have an entrance requirement of 18 years of age or above!
What is not ok in any circumstances are personal attacks, especially of an abusive nature re gender, orientation, culture, race, religion, age, physical or mental disability. Unwanted advances/harassment will also be dealt with very strictly.
Should you be on the receiving end of this type of abuse, whether privately in tells or publically in guild chat, general etc. please talk to the guild leader or an officer you trust who will deal with the issue appropriately.
In addition flaming, trolling and beef in guild chat are unacceptable. We also ask that if you wear our tags (and we expect you to always wear your tags) that you behave appropriately as we value our reputation…so no training, kill stealing or ninja looting or creating drama public chat channels.
In regard to players outside the guild it is inevitable that disputes will arise on occasion. To avoid any misunderstanding, it is always best to be mindful of others and make use of camp check! In any conflict where the other party is genuine, try diplomacy first and foremost. If you are trained or similar issues arise, report it to their guild leader or a GM as appropriate. DONT get into a war of words or worse a tit for tat situation.
If we receive a complaint about your conduct we will investigate fully and based on that take appropriate action, bearing in mind each situation may be different and there can be two sides to each story. We will do our best to be fair and even handed. It is worth remembering that we are in an alliance with many other guilds and you may not know who you are dealing with or rather who is who's alt. We take anything that could jeopardise our position in the NCG Alliance very seriously indeed!
You have been warned! so just to recap our guild rules are as follows:
Guild Rules
- Do not do anything that could bring the guild into disrepute. Examples of this include anything that contravenes SOE rules such as kill stealing, training and hacking and things that breach player made etiquette, such as camp stealing and ninja looting.
- We have zero tolerance on drama! So treat your fellow players with respect. Any disagreements - take it to tells. We do not want to see personal disagreements in guild chat or any public channels. Personal abuse or attacks are not acceptable. If there is a need for mediation or action let an officer know if appropriate, but remember we are not your mother!
- Guild tags must be worn at all times. If you want to keep your zone, level and class private Role Play is acceptable, Anonymous is not.
We reserve the right to take any action we believe to be appropriate up to and including removing players from the guild.